Sunday, August 15, 2021

Our Story

 D’Andre and Briana met on the block their parents stayed on, Maplewood. Briana crushed on Bubba, D’Andre’s family name, the moment he moved back from the Navy. Their first date was at Briana’s favorite chicken spot, Hooters! Bubba went with Briana in celebration for her and a friends birthday. They went on to date for an entire year before making things “official”. On August 17, 2011, Briana called Bubba and said, “Ok, what are we doing? Cause I’m not trying to be single forever.” Bubba responded, “I guess we’re in a relationship.” Briana responded, “Ok, today is our “official” Anniversary. So don’t forget it.” Needless to say, he NEVER forgot it. From that day, Bubba has been the best man Briana has ever encountered. Life for them ain’t been no crystal stair. For the past 7 years both Bubba and Briana grew up together. Both establishing themselves as individuals and then as companions. One thing they both understood is when the road gets hard, go straight to God. D’Andre and Briana have never been the “holiest” couple per say, but they are well aware of their Source. They know and believe that life for them would not be what it is today without God. Over the course of their relationship Briana had always said she wanted a huge proposal in front of all of her family and friends. D’Andre doesn’t like crowds or being in the spotlight. This is a trait that Briana admires about him. The couple had come to find so much peace in their relationship the more they kept things to themselves. Well, on May 14, 2018, D’Andre asked Briana to marry him. They were doing their vacation ritual, their final beach walk. Every year they went on vacation and the destination had to have a beach. On the final day/night before returning home D’Andre and Briana would walk the beach and reflect on the vacation, things they got out of it, how every year was better than the last, and lastly carve their names in the sand. As they do, they began to walk the beach of Punta Cana, DR hand in hand. Both reflecting on the vacation. Briana made D’Andre take at least 20 pics of her and still never got the shot she liked. They continued down further and D’Andre began to say, “This has been our best vacation so far.” Briana agreed and said, “We literally always say that.” D’Andre responded saying, “And this will be the most memorable one too.” He turned Briana around as he got on one knee and said, “Baby, you know I love you and you know how we rockin’. There’s no need for a long speech, Will you marry me?” Briana balled like a freaking baby. Crying like she just got a whooping and through all that she peeped that ring, looked D’Andre in his eyes and said “yeassssss” lol. They couldn’t wait to get back to their room to tell all of their family and friends. The excitement was so real that they forgot to carve their names in the sand, even after going back to the beach again just to do it. Briana is a strong believer in the number 7, Gods number, the number of Devine Completion. D’Andre couldn’t have picked a better year, their 7th year, to make them complete. The two decided their wedding day would be their 8th year Anniversary and they pray they see 70 plus years together 🖤

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