Sunday, August 15, 2021


Through sickness and in health….what an Anniversary! Just as we did last year, we had plans for a beautiful vacation to celebrate our Anniversary. Then, the Delta Variant. It hit like a ton of bricks! I was COVID POSITIVE. Now what I’m going to share will be new for everyone, including my family. 

I cried like a baby when I got the result. It wasn’t because I had it, it wasn’t because I couldn’t attend this vacation, and it wasn’t because of everything else I’d be missing. It was because I was ok with dying but what I wasn’t ok with is being the cause of anyone else dying. I had just seen my mom the day before and my nephew the day before that. No way in hell I’d be able to live if something were to happen to those 2. 

But God…this vaccination is truly my saving GRACE. What could have been a death sentence and every symptom/hospital admission that comes with it is merely feeling like a bad sinus infection. Through my encouragement and documentation of my vaccination journey my mom, my husband and my nephew are fully vaccinated and doing well. I don’t take credit for Gods work, He used me as a vessel…this is HIS MERCY. HIS GOODNESS & MERCY!

I’m on the road to recovery and this short clip depicts my marriage to the fullest. This man will not leave my side. I’ve been needy, a b!tch, a brat, and delusional all in one but he loves me anyhow. 

Tomorrow as we celebrate our 10 year Anniversary (2 year wedding), I am reminded of why we’ve chosen each other over and over again and why everyday we make an intentional effort to keep choosing each other! I love you baby like I’ve never loved before, every new day! 😘

P.S. Wear your mask. Not for yourself but for everyone else. We have to start playing defense with this virus. ❤ You can also schedule your free flu shot or vaccination shot HERE.

#blacklove #blacklovematters #blacklovedoc #blackloveisreal #blackmarriage


  1. I pray that you start to feel better. Your strength inspires me every day. I love you and Dre. Happy Anniversary. The trips will wait as long as you're here together is what matters!

  2. Happy Anniversary daughter. Get well. Love you.

  3. Amazing testimony & Happy Anniversary as well!
